The beauty of the song enhances due to the Video of the song which is directed by Nikesh Khadka and DOP Dhiraj Jung Shah. The video of the song outlines a unique and painful story of a girl who is an acid attack victim. The girl aspires to become a dancer until she was attacked. The hardships and struggles of the victims as well as their loved ones is very well expressed by the actors Keki Adhikari and Nirjan Thapa. The song however concludes with a happy ending when the protagonist (lead actress) doesn’t lose her hopes, continues to dance and fulfills her dreams.
Acid attacks have become very common in our real lives. For us they are just a part of the news or a crime story. But there is more to it. Acid attack is not merely an attack on the victim but on her dreams as well. We humans are blessed with a beautiful face, our identity is our face. But what happens when this face is ruined? Along with our face, our identity ruins. No one except the sufferer actually realizes how much damage has been caused. But just like the lyrics by D.P. Khanal convey, life is too short, no matter what occurs, we have to move on. As the name of the album Naya Sapana, if one dream is shattered, we have to work over and fulfill another dream.
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